Monday, December 6, 2010

Bonasera and the Godfather

parallel, yet divergent. 

both Bonasera and Don Vito have had a child hurt or killed. 

Bonasera came to the Godfather to ask for revenge, which he got. 

The Godfather, on the other hand, did not want vengance, but peace. This seems odd because the godfather is a mafiya boss, which one would think would cause him to be much more interested in war rather than peace. This almost appears to be a paradox...  This is interesting food for thought.


  1. It's a strange scenario, isn't it? The director, apparently, wanted to avoid glorifying the Mafia and its violence and, instead, opted to show the family-life aspect of this underworld.

  2. The film shows that even to the most wretched people that family is the most important thing in the world rather than bloodshed or vengeance.
